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Silage Tarp

As low as $35.02/mo. Or choose 4 interest-free installments.

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Are weeds out­num­ber­ing the veg­etable plants in your gar­den? Are you spend­ing more time cul­ti­vat­ing than harvesting? 

Enter Silage Tarps. Made pop­u­lar by Jean-Martin Fortier in his book The Market Gardener, Silage Tarps are a sim­ple, cost-effec­tive, game-chang­ing weed management solution to pre­emp­tive­ly elim­i­nate weed pres­sure in your grow­ing space.

Shipping restrictions apply. Ships to USA only.

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Product Video

Weed suppression made simple.

Nip weeds in the bud. Literally.

Our 5‑mil, UV-treat­ed poly­eth­yl­ene tarps cre­ate a stale seedbed in as lit­tle as 3 weeks!

Here’s how it works:

  • The black tarp cre­ates a warm, moist envi­ron­ment which quick­ly kills estab­lished weeds and encour­ages rapid weed seed germination.
  • The new­ly emerged weeds then face a dark, suf­fo­cat­ing envi­ron­ment in which they quick­ly die.
  • Worms and oth­er ben­e­fi­cial organ­isms soon appear to decom­pose any organ­ic mat­ter and loosen the soil.
  • In three to four weeks (up to six weeks in win­ter) you will have an almost com­plete­ly com­post­ed and beau­ti­ful stale seedbed!

It’s the clos­est thing yet to ​“easy gardening”!

3 week
suppression time (in summer)
UV Treated
UV Treated


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Tech Specs

Cutting Integrity

Cutting the silage tarp will not fray the edges or com­pro­mise the integri­ty. Learn more.

Shipping Size and Weight

24' × 105'

Width: 9 inches

Height: 9 inches

Length: 46 inches

Weight: 61 lbs

32' × 105'

Width: 9 inches

Height: 9 inches

Length: 60 inches

Weight: 83 lbs

40' × 105'

Width: 9 inches

Height: 9 inches

Length: 70 inches

Weight: 99 lbs

50' × 105'

Width: 9 inches

Height: 9 inches

Length: 86 inches

Weight: 124 lbs


100% Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). It does not con­tain Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC).

Life Span

365 sun­ny days on both sides. Learn more.

UV Treatment

Both sides. Learn more.


5 mil

Product Reviews

4.8 / 5.0

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Silage Tarp

5 out of 5 stars

Linda P.26 days agoVerified buyer

The silage tarp works really well to kill any top of soil weeds as well as weed seeds below the soil. I rolled it out and over my beds with some extra over the sides to kill off any grass that was growing along the sides. After a few weeks, I pulled the tarp off and found amazing rich soil with no weeds at all and the grass that was growing around the sides was dead and a breeze to rake up. I will be using the tarps again to keep my beds covered in the off season.

Great product! Kills weeds like a champ!

5 out of 5 stars

Susan W.4 months agoVerified buyer

Laid this out with a middle school kiddo, in about an hour it was secured and in 2 weeks the weeds were cooked and brown.

Silage tarps

5 out of 5 stars

Andre L.4 months agoVerified buyer

We ordered eight silage tarps 50 x 105’ long. When I checked out on the website it charged me $365 for Expedited shipping. I got a call the following Monday telling me the website had made a big error and the shipping should’ve been approximately $1300. The sales rep told me that they were going to waive the shipping fee refund me the $365 I had paid and have my order expedited anyways. I was quite pleased with her customer care and the way they handled the situation. I’ll definitely be buying products from them again!

great tool for deep south

5 out of 5 stars

Kyle J.4 months agoVerified buyer

silage tarps help prep vegetable garden plots. Once our spring/summer crops are done, we pull tarp over plot to either keep beds clean or terminate cover crop. a market garden must have, just like cool bot system and landscape fabric

Thank you! Some feedback about the plastic

4 out of 5 stars

Jonah T.4 months agoVerified buyer

Hi, I love the tarps I bought, and you all are so friendly.

A little feedback. The tarps were attached to their bags in a way that made it impossible to unroll them without tearing part of the tarp toward one end. On one tarp I bought, the damage was minimal. On the other, it left significant holes along about twenty-five feet of the tarp. It’s not the end of the world but it’s disappointing for a new, high-quality tarp I just paid good money for. Seems like it might be related to a machine that bags the tarps and/or how that machine is operated. Figured I’d let you know in case you can improve it.

That said, I’m very happy with these tarps, and grateful to Farmers Friend for making them available. Thank you!

5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

Ernest J Trice6 months agoVerified buyer

Service is great and very please with my order.

Heavy, that’s right

5 out of 5 stars

Greg D.6 months agoVerified buyer

Heavy duty tarp IS heavy! I ordered the big one and it took two men to carry it to the garden and unroll it because it’s so heavy duty! I believe that we will be using it for years!


5 out of 5 stars

Katelyn E.6 months agoVerified buyer

The quality and price was spot on.

Silage Tarps

5 out of 5 stars

Roger N.6 months agoVerified buyer

have not put it out yet. had h...

5 out of 5 stars

Greg L.6 months agoVerified buyer

have not put it out yet. had high winds for days and then got busy with other things will try to get it out in the next few days. The tarp was delivered earlier than expected and except for the wind at a perfect time when I was expecting extra help around the farmette. Can't control the weather.

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