Product information

Dutch Door End Wall

As low as $136.29/mo.

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Say good­bye to open ends, bunched plas­tic cones, and crouch­ing under plas­tic to access your veg­gies or flow­ers.The Dutch Door End Wall Kit fea­tures an inno­v­a­tive split-door design, durable alu­minum con­struc­tion, and is even wide enough for a BCS or farm cart to enter with ease! Upgrade your Caterpillar Tunnel with the ulti­mate end wall kit today! (Kit includes parts for 1 end wall only)
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Ventilation + Protection

Want to ven­ti­late your green­house while keep­ing rab­bits, deer, pets, or oth­er ani­mals out of the tun­nel? Our inno­v­a­tive Dutch-Door allows you to keep the low­er half of your door latched closed while the top half can be opened and secure­ly anchored to the bow with the includ­ed cleat and wire.

Key Features

Innovative Dutch-Door design

Durable Polycarbonate doors

All alu­mini­um tubing

Extra wide door (48″) for BCS and carts

All parts includ­ed for 1 end wall

Easily remov­able doors

All met­al construction

One size fits all Caterpillar Tunnels

Ease of installation

All parts included

Enjoy peace of mind know­ing that your end wall kit will come with every post, hinge, latch, han­dle, spring wire, plas­tic and pan­el­ing you need for a com­plete instal­la­tion. End walls and doors can be com­plex to install, but we have done our best to make it as easy as pos­si­ble with our ful­ly illus­trat­ed instal­la­tion man­u­al and step-by-step assem­bly video. (See pages 2 – 3 in the man­u­al for a com­plete list of includ­ed parts)

Ease of entry

Extra-wide door

Thanks to the 48-inch wide door, you won’t have to per­form acro­bat­ics to get in and out with large buck­ets of flow­ers or bins of veg­gies. No more spilled pro­duce bins from duck­ing under plas­tic! Plus, you can even fit a BCS, farm cart, or Pyroweeder into your tun­nel with ease!

Compatible with all Farmers Friend Tunnels


We’ve designed the kit to fit any size or style of Caterpillar Tunnel you have. So whether you have a 14 x 50-ft Classic, a 16 x 100-ft Gothic Pro, or any­thing in between, this is the end wall for you! 

End walls require wind brac­ing. A basic tun­nel that does not have diag­o­nal pipes sup­port­ing the end bows will need to be upgrad­ed with a Wind Bracing Kit.

Innovation in the details

Additional Features

We’ve added numer­ous small touch­es that we trust will make your end wall a plea­sure to use for years to come.

  • Custom designed ​“cleat” to secure upper door in the open posi­tion. (pic­tured)
  • Hitch Pin to con­nect the door pan­els togeth­er plus func­tions as the inte­ri­or handle.
  • Exterior door latch acces­si­ble from inte­ri­or of tun­nel with the includ­ed pull wire.
  • Highly durable poly­car­bon­ate door panels

Tech Specs

Assembly Video
Assembly & Instruction Manual

9.49 MB pdf


This end wall is com­pat­i­ble with just about any cater­pil­lar tun­nel (Farmers Friend or oth­er­wise) up to 16 feet wide.

Door Size
  • Width: 48 inches
  • Height: 78 inches

Product Reviews

3.7 / 5.0

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Door keeps breaking, not all parts included

2 out of 5 stars

David K.4 months ago

My doors have broken twice, both in unique ways! these doors CANNOT withstand high wind, or medium-strength impacts. The welding is shoddy, and the delivery for the parts often does not include all REQUIRED parts! most recently i purchased two of this kit. The kits I received did not include the several hundred screws required for assembly. I had to jerry rig my new doors with parts i had laying around and new resized screws i bought from the hardware store nearby.
I have had to re-weld parts of the doors more than once, due to the fisheye end caps on ALL the aluminum welds, and replacing parts is expensive. The doors are a great choice for gentle farmers, with zero wind acting on their tunnels at any given time of year. Otherwise, i'd recommend a different product.

Dutch Door End Wall

5 out of 5 stars

Rachel S.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

Latch bar issue

4 out of 5 stars

Kidder G.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

The Tek screws on the latch bar don't hold up to wind. Both sides of our previous tunnel have stripped loose. This could be solved by using nuts and bolts instead.
It might also be beneficial to add flashing bars around perimeter of door to cover the gap. (Similar to the bar on inside between top and bottom doors.

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